The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Warehouse to be new home for Norwich church

TheSpaceApril400By Keith Morris

2010: A Norwich church has announced that it has just begun work to convert a warehouse into a 500-seat auditorium and conference venue after six years without their own permanent home.
The 500-strong Proclaimers Church Norwich has been a mobile church since leaving Drayton Hall in December 2004. Two church services, each for 250 people, have been held each Sunday at the Ramada Jarvis Hotel.
“We’ve been on the look out for something bigger and better,” said Senior Minister Tom Rawls, “but we quickly realised that we were going to have to create the venue ourselves.”
Proclaimers has worked with Wash House Architectural Services to develop a plan that involves a full-height auditorium that will seat 500 people and be one of the largest in Norwich, a large foyer, a second hall for 150 people and breakout spaces for 5-75 people. The new facility is called The Space and will be let out for conferences and events throughout the rest of the week.
“The name tells you exactly what it is,” Tom explained. “The Space, which we want to fill with people. There are so many people in our city yet to hear the gospel, yet to experience a relationship with God. We need a Space that can fit in our friends, family, neighbours and the thousands of people we haven’t yet met; a place where the church can grow and expand as God intended.”
ProclaimBand3WebWork has begun on gutting the existing building located on Roundtree Way in Sprowston which is known to many as the former Fabric Warehouse.
“The next stage is to kit the building out,” said Owen Morgan, Executive Pastor. “We have a grand plan that we’re working towards but we will have to do it in stages as and when we can afford it.”
Owen expects the project to cost around £150,000 by the time the venue is finished.
“We believe that God is with us and that he will continue to provide for this project,” Owen added. “We’re doing all we can do and believing that God will do what only he can do. We have secured enough funds to get started but we’re always looking for ways that we can attract funds for the project.” 
Proclaimers plan to start holding services at The Space in May but expect it will be a further two months before the building is open for conferencing and possible six months before all the facilities such as the first floor are complete.

Click here to read our previous story about Proclaimers


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