The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Norfolk fire chief takes faith from Remembrance

WarPoppies22010: A Norfolk fire chief has removed the religious aspect from a Remembrance Day event, saying it would otherwise exclude some staff members.
Norfolk Fire Service's chief fire officer Nigel Williams said staff would mark the event but it would not be linked to any faith.
He said the decision had come after last year's service, which contained religious references, divided opinion: "With this in mind we have decided that this year our commemoration will not be linked to any specific faith or belief but will still offer people the chance to remember together.
"I hope and believe this will make our Remembrance as inclusive as possible," he told BBC Norfolk.
Diocese of Norwich Director of Communications, the Ven Jan McFarlane, said: "We often hear that we're a 'secular society' - but attendance at Remembrance Services today and on Sunday, and the numbers who turn to the church at times of significant national events would suggest otherwise.
"The church has provided a framework for remembrance ever since the end of the Second World War. It's a big step to say such services are no longer appropriate, and one which shouldn't happen as a reaction to a few people saying they feel uncomfortable.

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