The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Lighthouse Bryans farewell 540
Sheringham church pastor hands over the baton

2016: Lighthouse Community Church senior pastor Bryan Pickard symbolically passed a baton to his successor yesterday in a moving celebration at the church. Tony Rothe reports.

A packed church listened as Bryan paid tribute to the generosity of spirit of the Sheringham fellowship. He then handed batons to the new senior pastor, Ian Savory, and assistant pastor Daniel Ward to symbolise the handover whilst continuing to run the race.
Members of the fellowship spoke of what had been achieved at the church during the last six years, including the move to the brand new Lighthouse building in 2013. Folk were invited to come forward to give words of encouragement to Bryan and his wife Lynne, and the warmth of feeling towards them was very evident.
Lighthouse Bryans cake 386ATA cake in the shape of Bryan’s trademark bacon sandwich and coffee, pictured right, crafted by Emma from Buns of Fun, provided much laughter, and was shared by those present.
The morning of celebration followed a curry evening the previous night when various gifts, including a new laptop computer, were presented to Bryan and Lynne.
Pictured top are Bryan and Lynne with new senior pastor Ian Savory and his wife Sue
Visit www.lighthousesheringham.org

Read about Pastor Ian’s vision for his new role here.
Photos are courtesy of Gareth from Angelus Media

TonyRothe150Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in North Norfolk?  

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