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Rocky Road Messy Church
Messy Church - Sprowston Methodist Church 

The meal served at Messy Church gives the children and their parents the opportunity to sit down and socialise with other families - it is an activity that is an important part of family life.  

Norfolk feeds 5000logo243Janet Mayes co-ordinates a team of about 20 leaders for Messy Church. Messy Church has been running for five years at Sprowston Methodist Church and the bi-monthly meetings are on a Saturday from 5 - 7pm.  

The aim is to make the sessions very different so each is fresh and exciting for both adults and children. There are three sections: Celebration, Craft and Activities, ending with a meal which begins around 6.15pm.  

Undoubtedly, both the Messy Church team and the families that attend  will say that the meal is the most important part of the session. Feedback from the children is that they enjoy talking with other adults at the table and take a full part in this shared time, an activity that is an important part of family life.  The adults can relax and spend time with other families over food and coffee or tea.  Nobody is ever in a hurry to leave! 

Janet said, “One of the exciting aspects of Messy Church is that we never know how many will attend, so we cater for 60 and if there are extra portions of main meal or dessert remaining, the children are not shy in zooming to be served; adults have to be nifty if they want to partake.”

The meals are simple fare - shepherds pie, lasagne, fruit crumbles, sponge puddings of all different kinds and fruit pies to name a few.  The church congregation who cook for Messy Church have a tremendous witness.


Janet said, “ As a team we are committed to reaching out to families who are looking for an informal setting for their experience of church and of helping them to come close to God and to each other.”

Messy Church is held at Sprowston Methodist Church on Wroxham Road, Saturday teatimes – 5.00pm to 7:00pm every other month.

Messy Church is free of charge. Donations are optional


Project: Messy Church 
Who: Sprowston Methodist Church
What: A home-cooked early evening meal
Where: Cozens Hardy Road, Sprowston, Norwich, NR7 8QL
How many: 30 people every other month

Published: 19/05/2017