The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Shotesham family offers a Home for Ukraine 

Church leaders Anna and David Lloyd, from Shotesham St Mary in South Norfolk, have offered to take in a Ukrainian family under the government’s new Homes for Ukraine scheme.

In an interview on Monday with Stephen Bumfrey from BBC Radio Norfolk she shared what had led up to the decision. 
“As we’ve been watching the events unfold it’s been heart-breaking,” she said, “seeing mothers, children torn away from their homes and their loved ones. Our children have been saying, ‘What can we do to help?’
“The sudden announcement over the weekend of the Government, saying we are going to open our doors I saw just as such a fantastic signal to our nation. It’s time to step up now. It’s time for our local communities to say ‘We will rise to the challenge.’
“We are fortunate enough to have a guest room with its own bathroom and separate entrance, so practically for us it just works. It’s a bit of a no-brainer to offer it to a family in need.
Anna went on to offer some advice for people are likewise interested in the Government’s scheme. “If you’re thinking about doing it, talk with your loved ones, talk with your support network, talk with your community, and just air it. Say: ‘What do you think about us doing this?’”
Anna and her husband Dave lead Garden Church, a network of home-based Christian groups around Norfolk linked to the Mitre Benefice in Norwich. 
You can hear the interview on BBC Radio Norfolk here.
Start listening at 3 minutes 16 seconds into Stephen Bumfrey’s programme.
You can also see Anna speaking to a reporter from BBC Look East about the room she will be offering. Start watching the Evening News here at 1 minute 40 seconds.
Information about the Government’s ‘Homes for Ukraine’ scheme is here.
Pictured above is Anna Lloyd

Eldred Willey, 15/03/2022

Eldred Willey
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