The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Sheringham St Andrews 750AT
Warm welcome space at Sheringham Methodists

St Andrews Methodist Church in Sheringham have launched their Warm Space scheme to provide a warm daytime meeting area during this period of high fuel costs. Tony Rothe reports.

The warm room is open every Tuesday between 10am and 3pm and anyone is welcome to arrive and leave at any time during that period. There is no charge.
Jean Parton from St Andrews said “British Summertime is over, and the clocks have gone back, but our warm space is open, offering a warm welcome, good company, friendly chat, hot drinks (tea, coffee and hot chocolate), free wi-fi, newspapers, jigsaw puzzles, board games and craft items. Free lunchtime soup and roll are served at 12 o’clock.”
The initiative is supported by Norfolk Community Foundation through Love Norfolk Fund 2023, the Shelroy Charitable Trust, and Norfolk Central Co-op.
Sheringham methodists cafe 750St Andrews also offers the “Do Drop In” Community Café every Wednesday from 11am to 1pm, and everyone is warmly welcome for food and friendship. Tea and coffee are served until noon, then light lunches from 12pm to 1pm.
Other weekday events at the church include the Ladies Fellowship Choir on Mondays, Table Tennis on Wednesday evenings, the monthly Encompass social group, and indoor bowls most days.
Visit St Andrews website for more information.
St. Andrew’s Methodist Church is on Cromer Road, Sheringham. NR26 8SA.
01263 822485



TonyRothe150Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in North Norfolk?  

If so, e-mail tony.rothe@networknorwich.co.uk with details and, if possible a suitable picture. 

Tony Rothe, 30/10/2023

Tony Rothe
To submit a story or to publicise an event please email: web@networknorwich.co.uk