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Regular contributor James Knight argues that we should yearn for what is true, as well as just believing it.
Do you desire the truth?
Why the truth is always the greatest story
It is often claimed that the Gospel is “the greatest story”, and James Knight explains why he finds this to be true.
Did Jesus say, “Like your neighbour”?
James Knight explains why the commandment to love all people doesn’t necessarily require us to like everyone.
Is Paradise a walled garden?
James Knight explains that God’s rules have been given for our benefit, and that they don’t just exist for their own sake.
The relationship between science and faith
James Knight urges us not to regard science as a rival or even a threat to Christianity, but to embrace both in order to enrich our understanding of our role in God’s creation
What do we say about Father Christmas?
James Knight suggests that we allow children to enjoy the wonder and magic of Father Christmas as a prelude to appreciating the miracle of our Saviour’s birth.
Be still – the key to effective prayer
James Knight offers us encouragement for our prayer times, but reminds us to make time to listen to God’s response.
The attitude of gratitude includes the everyday
James Knight is finding that his gratitude for the small things in his daily routine helps him to thank God for the more fundamental aspects of his life.
Refrain from complaining – Thank God instead
James Knight points out that our lives will be enriched if we respond to circumstances with positivity, rather than moaning and complaining.
Will declining morals lead to collapse of society?
James Knight suggests that the increasing liberalisation in our society, and the decline of Christian values, could lead to the eventual collapse of that society.
The light shining in the darkness
James Knight points out that good can come out of the pain and anguish that surround bereavement.
Creation was very good, but was it perfect?
James Knight explains why he believes that God’s very good Creation was not actually perfect prior to the fall.
Lent – taking time to listen to God
Regular contributor James Knight urges us to take time to listen to God during Lent, and see what abundant blessings He has in store.
Does our description of God need to change?
Regular contributor James Knight defends our traditional bible translations in which God is male, and questions the need to use gender-neutral terminology when referring to Him.
The power and necessity of regular prayer
Regular contributor James Knight reminds us why prayer is such an important component in our daily lives.
Is Great Britain really no longer Christian?
James Knight has been taking a further look at the results of the 2021 UK ten-year census which were published last week, and wonders if the media are drawing the correct conclusions.
Why did God create the devil?
James Knight has been pondering why the Creator of all things included the devil and all the consequent disruption in His perfect creation.
Can you ever lose your salvation?
Regular columnist James Knight takes a look at the age-old question of whether our salvation is permanent once we are saved.
Should women be leading churches?
James Knight shares his thoughts about women in church leadership, but suggests that God may have a pragmatic view.
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