The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Queen visits Norwich to open Cathedral hostry

QueenCathedralWeb2010: The Queen visited Norwich on Tuesday, for the first time in eight years, to attend a thanksgiving service and formally open the new £12.5m hostry and refectory at Norwich Cathedral.
After being greeted outside by hundreds of flag-waving spectators, the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh went inside and heard the Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Rev Graham James, give a sermon to more than 800 invited guests.

He praised all of those who had contributed over many years to bring the multi-million pound project to build the hostry and refectory buildings to fruition.

“This is the largest extension to a medieval cathedral in England since the Reformation - this is Norfolk and Norwich leading the way once again,” said Bishop Graham, adding that it had been built on a rock of prayer, faith and hard work.

Following the conclusion of the service with a rousing version of the National Anthem, the Queen and Prince Philip were given a tour of the new buildings where they met many of those involved the design and construction.


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