Man who met God on the 8.30 London train

MartinKentishWeb2007: As Martin Kentish, a Norwich-based retail marketing analyst, got onto the 8.30am train bound for a business meeting in London, little did he realize that he was to have an encounter which would change his life forever.
On the train, Martin bumped into John Wright, a director of Colmans and a Christian. They struck up a conversation. 'This is weird, said Martin, "my girlfriend's sister, Rebecca, is a Christian. She said she was praying for me.'
John gave Martin a magazine to read. Despite his initial scepticism, Martin leafed through the booklet and found something that struck a chord.
That's when Martin said an intense feeling of peace and calm came over him which kept happening throughout the day.
"I had this absolutely wonderful experience. It was like being washed with emotion and love and warmth. It was just so deep," said Martin.
The following day he popped out from his Norwich office into the King's Church Centre, in King Street, to buy a coffee.
A friend who works there said to him he knew what he was feeling, even though Martin hadn't said a word to him. He added that it was God's spirit.
Martin said he thought he would be the last person to find God but is pleased he has – and it's been a life-changing experience.
"It has given me a real sense of peace and joy. It is a wonderful adventure and I am excited about what lies ahead," said Martin. "I want to help other people to discover what I have found out."
His ex-wife thought he was slightly mad but Martin says most people are pleased for him.
Now Martin is a regular at King's Church in Norwich. He says it's a charismatic church and is bound by a sense of community.
Martin is keen to spread 'the word' about his Christian faith but will not try to foist his       religion on others.

You can read this and other stories about people of faith in the Christmas edition of Good News for Norwich by clicking here.