
Ex-council chief shares faith story in Norwich

DonLatham3502010: Don Latham, a former council chief and one of the UK’s most popular speakers on faith and work issues, will be the guest speaker at a dinner in Norwich at the Maid’s Head Hotel, Tombland, on Friday, July 9. All are welcome.

With his keen sense of humour, Don is also a challenging speaker whose story has inspired people in all walks of life. In his secular career, Don rose from “office junior with five O-levels” to become an accountant, author and, eventually, the first Director of the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives.

He has held senior council posts in Avon, Devon and Wiltshire before becoming chief executive of West Wiltshire District Council. He later became a management expert and international consultant.

A man of vibrant faith, Don’s books include “Being Unmistakably Christian in the Workplace” and “A faith that Works.” He is married to Hilary, who is a teacher and Christian writer. They have two grown up children. 

Following the Norwich dinner, Don will also speak at a Saturday breakfast (full English), in the Oak Room at the Maid’s Head the following morning, July 10 (details below). 

The Friday dinner at the Maid’s Head Hotel, located in Tombland, NR3 1LB, is at 7pm  for 7.30pm and the cost is £12. (There is free parking at the back of the hotel, via Pigg Lane).

Reservations can be made with Robert Osborne on 01603 782 432 or by email to:  or alternatively to Mike Wiltshire at  - if possible by Wednesday July 7.

Saturday Breakfast, July 10

MaidsHeadFollowing the Friday dinner, Don will speak at a Saturday Breakfast (full English) in the Oak Room at the Maid’s Head Hotel, on July 10. All are welcome.

Time: 8.30am to 10.30am. Cost £7.50. (Free parking at the hotel).

Breakfast theme: A faith that works. Reservations to Robert Osborne (see contact details above), if possible by Wednesday, July 7. 

Both of these events are arranged by the Norwich Chapter of FGBMFI, part of a worldwide Christian fellowship that operates in 160 countries.

Pictured above is Don Latham and the Maid's Head Hotel.

Published: 19/06/2010