The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

News of church threat, appeal and windows

Latest news for the Norwich and Norfolk Christian community includes church paintings under threat, a winter appeal from the Bishop and new stained glass windows.

CrostwightAllSaintsA series of medieval wall paintings depicting the seven deadly sins could be lost from a Norfolk church unless money is found for urgent repairs.
The artwork at All Saints Church, Crostwight, near North Walsham, is at risk unless lime plaster near the painting can be stabilised. The church also needs repairs to the roof, walls and exterior flint work. It is expected to cost £150,000.
Rev Barry Furness said the church must "be preserved for future generations. I think there's only a handful of these paintings in Norfolk. It's very rare to have them. "We'll have to raise upwards of half the costs ourselves, so far there's about £13,000 in the pot. English Heritage have said this is an urgent project, but can't help us with funds at the moment."

Read more of this story on BBC

The Bishop of Norwich has urged local people to dig deep to help the Surviving Winter appeal, as the county shivered in the cold snap. With thousands of elderly and vulnerable people worrying how they will afford to heat their homes, the Norfolk Community Foundation and Age UK Norfolk appeal raises money to help them.
Better-off pensioners who don’t need their winter fuel payments can donate them to help those in need. The Rt Rev Graham James, Bishop of Norwich, said: “The Surviving Winter Campaign was wonderfully supported by the wider community in Norfolk last year.
“I hope that generosity will be repeated this year. I hope, too, that possible recipients will be encouraged by their families and friends to seek help. “This modest redistribution of income not only keeps some older people warmer than they would have been, it warms the life blood of our community in which we belong to one-another. This is a wonderful way of showing that we care.”

Read more of this story on EDP24

Three new stained glass windows have been installed at All Saints Church in Wreningham, South Norfolk. A new Diamond Jubilee west window includes engravings commemorating the late Dennis Long’s years of church service and an association with All Saints Church in Zimbabwe. A new east window contains commemoration of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee itself. A service has been held to bless the windows.

Pictured above is Crostwight All Saints Church, courtesy of www.norfolkchurches.co.uk

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