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Living in step with God

StepSXNorfolk Christian speaker Ruth Tong looks at the steps we can take in order to live in step with God.

What’s stopping you?
Well in my experience it’s usually myself, in some form of fear, apathy, compromise or lack of vision – however the other side of this coin is, sometimes it’s God who calls a time out. When life feels like you’re stuck in a rut it’s necessary to take time to work out which one it is, because if we are going to live in step with God we need to have clarity in this area. 

Here are some things I’ve found helpful…


God is Lord. It’s a simple but true statement – you either believe He is in control or He isn’t. He loves you with an everlasting love so go ahead and surrender your doubts and fears. Surrender your time frame and frustrations, ask Him for peace as you go deeper into trust (John 14: 27).

Choose your response

We have the power to choose how we respond to times of limbo. Choose to be the sort of person who makes the best of wherever you find yourself. I believe this is akin to investing talents – if you make the best of it in the worst of it you bring glory to God and are a great advert for the Kingdom.

Look at your internal stance

What’s your attitude like? I often made my children wait a little while for things because it develops a sense of appreciation. Too often we are like impatient toddlers tapping our foot (like God owes us?!) Seriously… we need to develop a grateful heart it’s a prerequisite for blessing.

Revisit the dream

Without a dream the people perish – what are your dreams what can you do to action those? Or are you on the road towards the dream but feeling like the road is long? Get with God, allow Him to ‘psalm 23’ you and restore your soul.Gang – God is for you, He delights in you and whether you’ve pulled over into a lay-by by choice or you’re on a time out, you’re in a win- win because God is faithful.
Ruth Tong is the Coordinator of Women’s Ministries at Downham Market Christian Fellowship and the author of ‘Love Drops from Heaven’.  Ruth regularly blogs at http://lovedropsfromheaven.blogspot.co.uk

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