The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Canon Andrew to be installed at Norwich Cathedral

Andrew BryantCFNorwich Cathedral is delighted to announce that the Revd Andrew Bryant has been appointed as its new Canon for Mission and Pastoral Care.

Andrew, who is currently Team Rector of Portishead, Bristol, in the Diocese of Bath and Wells, will be installed at Evensong on Palm Sunday, 29 March 2015.

Prior to his role in Bristol, Andrew served in parishes in the Guildford and Lichfield Dioceses, as well as working for twelve years with Kaleidoscope Theatre, a charity promoting integration through theatre for young adults with Down’s Syndrome.

On Sunday, speaking about the announcement, Andrew said:
“In this role alongside the pastoral care for the Cathedral congregation, staff and volunteers, I will be supporting the Cathedral’s ministry to its visitors and helping to increase the Cathedral’s outreach.

“Knowing when to leave a parish is always difficult but sometimes an opportunity presents itself that is just too good to resist. I have been wondering if or when a post like this might come up, and now it has, and I know this is the right time to begin a new direction in my ministry.”

Andrew is married to Wendy, who currently works for the Diocese of Bath and Wells in helping parishes engage with issues of disability and inclusion. They have a daughter, Anna, who is training to be an Educational Psychologist. 

The Dean of Norwich, the Very Revd Dr Jane Hedges, said:
“Andrew will bring many valuable gifts to the team at the Cathedral and with his skills we will be able to build on the wonderful work already done by Canon Richard (Capper), in assisting the Cathedral to reach out to the community and Diocese around us.
“We very much look forward to welcoming Andrew and his wife Wendy to the Cathedral in 2015.”

You can read Andrew's latest blog entry here and can follow him via his new Twitter account @AndyBry3.

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