The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Reed People Uganda Oct 19 750A

Sheringham church’s Uganda mission

A team of people from Reed People charity, based at Lighthouse Community Church in Sheringham, visited a school and church in Lumpewe in Uganda in October, in what was hailed as a very successful trip. Tony Rothe reports.

The charity was set up by members of Lighthouse to promote education, health and community in the Ugandan village, and teams from Sheringham visit regularly, usually yearly, to give the villagers help and support.
Team members have been explaining to the rest of the church some of the highlights of the visit:  
Andy Holt recounted that the team showed the ‘Jesus’ film in the Ugandan language, from a platform in the centre crossroads of the village of Lumpewe and he experienced the leading of the Holy Spirit.  Several people there responded to an appeal.
Jo Mutton voiced her concern for women’s welfare in the village, and reported that they were able to give out the lovely fabric bags made by members of the church and community.  These contained gifts which would help with the personal hygiene requirements of the ladies and girls.  This gift was very much appreciated by all in the village.
Valerie Ridley, who was working on the health front, reported that there were no “jiggers”, ie foot-worms, in the school following treatment on previous visits. Valerie “dewormed” the whole school, by giving them a pill (followed by a sweet as an encourager).  She spoke of the value of being able to give a meal to every child in the school, which was very much appreciated.
Haley Griggs, pictured right above, and Jo taught the kids how to sing the L O V E song (from Sheringham Beachlife) and described the enthusiasm of the children. 
Matthew Mutton undertook a Cycle Safari with his brother Sam, of the “Joy for Children” Charity.  Sam is hoping to trial “Cycle Safari” opportunities to raise funds for his charity, which works in the slums of the capital Kampala, about 46 miles away.
reed people logo 450Martin Fleetcroft said, “God has blessed the team richly and spoken to us deeply’.  I was overwhelmed by the connection with the children and how needy they were”.
One day, whilst the team were there, it was not possible to give the children a lunchtime meal as it was raining too heavily and, as the kitchen is out of doors its use is weather dependent.  To enable the children to have a meal - whatever the weather, the Reed People Charity will be making the building of a school kitchen their next priority. 
Organiser Ian Mutton thanked everyone who had supported the team financially or in prayer. 
To find out more, or to make a donation towards the kitchen project, or the work in Lumpewe in general, please visit:

To read the earlier story on Network Norfolk about the Uganda mission, click here.

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