The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

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Baptism by bucket in Gorleston

A bucketful of sea water was used to baptise Jayne Murdoch on Gorleston beach on September 27.

Jayne, a mother of three children, explained how she was introduced to Jesus through attending the weekly parent and toddler house group at Cliff Park Community Church in Gorleston. She became a Christian through an Alpha course and has since gone on to help lead another recent Alpha.
The baptism had already been postponed from earlier in the summer because of Covid-19 restrictions, but Jayne was determined to make this public demonstration of her Christian faith.
For many years adult full immersion baptisms at Cliff Park have been carried out in the nearby sea, but with the severe stormy weather and choppy waves that weekend, Minister Mike Simm took the last minute precaution to stay safely at the water’s edge on the beach and use a bucket of seawater instead, in what was a first for the church.
Wearing a colourful face-mask Jayne bravely knelt to make her declaration of faith and then have the cold water tipped over her. ‘Jayne might have had this on her bucket list – but I don’t think she ever expected this!’ said Mike.
She was watched by an invited group of family and friends, including supporters from the church. Normally there would have been a far larger crowd of well-wishers, but numbers had to be carefully restricted to comply with the current guidelines.
The ceremony took place a shortly before the Sunday morning guest service broadcast via Zoom. The baptism was filmed by CPCC member Rob Lancaster and then shown to everyone as part of the service.
Cliff Park Church was set up by St. Andrew’s Parish and Gorleston Baptist churches 21 years ago and is based at Cliff Park Junior School. At the moment Sunday services and other activities are continuing using Zoom but a return to the school for those who want to meet together is planned in the near future.
This story is based on a report by Cliff Park member Tony Mallion.
The pictures are courtesy of Suzie Coldman.


TonyRothe150Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in East Norfolk?  

If so, e-mail tony.rothe@networknorwich.co.uk with details and, if possible a suitable picture. 

Tony Rothe, 05/10/2020

Tony Rothe
To submit a story or to publicise an event please email: web@networknorwich.co.uk