
Norwich Christians join Global Day of Prayer 

Around 500 Christians joined millions around the world in a Global Day of Prayer service at Norwich Anglican Cathedral last night (May 16). Keith Morris reports.


Churches from across Norwich and beyond were represented in the annual prayer event which was organised by Transforming Norwich.
Revd Canon Jane Hedges, Dean of the Cathedral, welcomed the congregation, and said: “It is wonderful to see the gathering of churches from across the city to thank God for the outpouring of His Holy Spirit and the many gifts he showers upon us. We pray that God will fill us with His Spirit so that we can go out into the world today to proclaim Christ’s resurrection and to share his love with everyone.
Danny Doran Smith, chair of Transforming Norwich, said: “I invite you to join together tonight as one church, as one city, as one county, as one nation as we join together with those around the globe on this Global Day of Prayer.
GDOPCandles540After a time of worship led by a band from St Thomas Norwich, Jill Gower from Call to Prayer, opened the rest of the evening to prayer “for Norwich and Norfolk, for the nations and for all the nations”.
“We believe we are prophetically the eastern gate to our nation – responsible for welcoming the King of Glory to come into our nation,” said Jill.
Phil Thorne, of Alive Church Norwich said: “We can bring about change through our prayers and God can shift things in the heavenlies. We mean business in prayer tonight.”
Other ministers who led prayer included Rev Sally Gaze, Rev Nigel Fox, Rev Dominic De Souza, Julian Bryant, Rev Ian Dyble and Rev Lebert Shakes.

The evening ended with the lighting of candles across the congregation.
Pictured above is the Global Day of Prayer service in Norwich Anglican Cathedral

Published: 16/05/2016