
Norwich leaders invited to join the miracle

Norwich Christian leaders gathered for lunch on November 15 and heard about the miracle God has been doing at Gateway Vineyard at The Chapel, and how Jesus invites each of us to be part of His miracles with the little we have to offer.

Craig Deal and Marc Lillystone from Gateway Vineyard, spoke to representatives from around 17 different churches and ministries from around the city at the recent Transforming Norwich lunch.
Marc, who is site pastor for Gateway Vineyard at The Chapel, described how the new chapel site had come about. He explained that both he and his wife Katie had grown up at Meadow Way Chapel in Hellesdon, Norwich. They had later moved and eventually ended up at Gateway Vineyard where they became involved in leadership. However, God had spoken to them both separately about returning to their childhood church.
There followed a series of incredible events which culminated in the Meadow Way Chapel inviting Gateway Vineyard to take on their church and breathe new life into it. Marc described it as “a beautiful expression of God making a way where we didn’t think it was possible.” Meadow Way Chapel closed in the spring of 2022 and Gateway Vineyard at The Chapel launched in the September. The site has begun hosting Alpha courses, and Marc says “our heart is to reach the people who don’t yet know Jesus on this side of the city.”
TNCraigDeal750Following Marc’s talk, Craig Deal, lead pastor at Gateway Vineyard addressed the group. Acknowledging the struggle and tiredness which can often accompany leadership, Craig turned to the biblical accounts of the feeding of the 5,000. He identified that although Jesus’s disciples were tired, hungry and making excuses to get rid of the crowd, Jesus nevertheless “invites them into a kingdom adventure with what they do have, not what they don’t have.” Jesus turns the moment of weakness into an opportunity, inviting the disciples to join in and be part of the miracle.
Craig applied this event from the life of Jesus and His disciples to those present, encouraging them to bring the little they have and see the abundance God can bring from it. Craig’s exhortation was not to get distracted by what is lacking, but to have an attitude of gratitude for every little thing, just as Jesus gave thanks for the small offering of food.
Tim Yau, interim priest in Sprowston reflected on the afternoon: “I met with some old friends, I met new friends, and when we work together and bring what we’ve got we can see amazing things happen. My hope for this and for all of us in Transforming Norwich is that we will continue seeing change and transformation across our city.”

2024 dates for Transforming Norwich Meetings (please note changes to venues)
17th January 2024: Bowthorpe Worship Centre
20th March 2024: St Cuthbert's Sprowston
15th May 2024: King's Community Church

Please contact Anna Heydon with any questions:

Above Marc Lillystone addressing Transforming Norwich
Right Craig Deal addressing Transforming Norwich
Below Tim Yau at Transforming Norwich


Anna Heydon, 20/11/2023

Published: 20/11/2023
Anna Heydon