Norfolk physiotherapist Anne Gardiner


Norfolk physiotherapist Anne Gardiner helps people living with neurological conditions that affect their movement and physical ability.

Anne has over 25 years of experience in the NHS and also has experience in the private sector. As well as her physiotherapy degree, she has completed a Masters degree in Health Sciences, focusing on neurological conditions, at the University of East Anglia.
Anne says: “I work with people who have had a Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Guillain Barre Syndrome, and other such conditions. I am also able to see people who have  brain or spinal cord problems present at birth such as cerebral palsy and spina bifida.
"I also see some people who have an acquired brain injury, (sometimes called a head injury)  which may result from events such as a brain tumour, neurosurgery, or an accident such as a car or workplace accident ” says Anne. “My main focus is on empowering people to gain greater independence and achieve their goals. This can include working with and supporting  family and others who are involved in their care.” 
To contact Anne, ring: 07999 860977, email: neurophysio.norfolk@gmail.com, or visit neurophysionorfolk.co.uk

Read a longer article about Anne here.

Published: 13/04/2024